Title: The Last Goodbye
Serie: Moshe Stahl portfolio
Year: 2013Dimensions: 70cm x 50cm Statement: The Art of Drawing
Stahl credits his mother with instilling in him a strong artistic nature from an early age. “My mother was an artist,” Stahl once said. “She was an accomplished artist, and she encouraged me to draw.” Stahl’s mother would often demonstrate her artistic skills by creating simple sketching pictures. “My mother would draw pictures without words,” he once said, “and she always painted in watercolors.” In his later years, Moshe Stahl shared his mother’s love of art by sharing his experiences as a young artist. “At age ten, I started to draw regularly,” he once said. “I was drawn to the beauty and simplicity of lines.”
Stahl: Painting, Sculpting and Graphics
For several years, Moshe supported himself as a commercial artist, working on designs for everything from coffee mugs to beer cans. In 1962, he met Leonid Yevtushenko, a poet and artist who would later become his mentor and lifelong friend.